A Season Together, Apart
Dec 14 2019
A Season Together, Apart
Our family has seen a lot of changes in the past few years. Joyful additions, sad goodbyes, the ebb and flow of relationships in PNG and abroad. We live life in extremes, some seasons, and it is good reflect on the constancy of God and the steadfastness of his word. The same word that tells me to strive and press on toward the goal (Philippians 3:14) also tells me to strive to enter His rest (Hebrews 4:9-11). Life is full of seasons, they come and go. Upon reflection, the culmination of the extremes in my life creates the balance I seek daily. I would love to achieve the attitude of Paul who says he has learned to be content in all things (Philippians 4:12). I want to stop looking forward to a future time of peace or reflecting back on joyous victories but abide in contentment his salvation brings. I want to be frequently reminded that each day, each season, is part of time God has given us to praise Him and follow His will for our lives. We have much to be thankful for and together or apart we celebrate this season with you all, our friends, family and co-workers. Together with us in PNG or apart, across the street or covering the continents we hope you will strive with us this season to bring the love, peace and hope of the Christ child to the world who needs Him.
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