
Jul 08 2006
Well Saturday is underway and Jesse is off playing soccer. I have gotten the office and our bedroom swept and the baby down for nap. I need to get to the kids room and the bathroom as well. I want to go ahead and get dishes done too- so much to get caught up on before our house guest. For those of you who didn't know we are getting a PBT (Pioneer Bible Translators) intern for a week starting next Thurs. I spoke with her on the radio this morning - sounds like a really nice gal, Angela. We are babysitting a crocodile right now. It is staying in our old tub so that Yame (the guy that is carving Jesse's croc table) will have the real deal to look at while he does the detail work. It is about 2 foot long. Jesse's table is about 5 foot long, rosewood- carved like a croc with a table top mounted on his back about coffee table height. Still no word on the tractor this week. Jesse is getting discouraged about that. But it will get here sometime. The new oven is really working out well. Such a time saver. I cleaned screen wire downstairs yesterday around the area where our guest will be sleeping. At least it is bleached and sunlight can come in now. I am also working at a thorough cleaning of the classroom.

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